Threatened Species Bushfire Recovery

The information on this page was originally part of a Twitter thread I put together. I’ve compiled the information here so it can be shared easily. I will continue to update this page with new fundraisers for Threatened Species Recovery Programs for species affected by the current bushfire crisis in Australia.

It seems like many fire-affected species, inc threatened species, are being overshadowed by big charismatic species (*cough*koalas*cough*), especially when it comes to donations.

So here is a list of other species recovery programs you can donate to. I'll update the list as I hear of more. Please share.

🦜 Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-cockatoo - Endangered
Glossy Black-cockatoo Recovery Program
$$ β†’ monitoring, habitat restoration and recovery

πŸ€ Kangaroo Island Dunnart - Endangered
Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife
$$ β†’ surveying, camera traps, and ongoing research

🦜 Western Ground Parrot - Critically Endangered
Friends of the Western Ground Parrot
$$ β†’ camera traps for surveying the remaining population

🐦 BirdLife Australia - all birds and their habitats
Birdlife Australia Bushfire Emergency Fund
$$ β†’ supporting the creation of fire emergency teams, habitat refuges and restoration, and appropriate fire management

🐦🦜Regent Honeyeater & Swift Parrot - both Critically Endangered
Difficult Birds Research Group Endowment
Regent Honeyeaters and Swift Parrots have likely been impacted by the fires. The Difficult Birds Research Group at the ANU works extensively with these species (and others) and are always in need of funding.

🦘 Brush-tailed Rock-Wallaby - Endangered
Friends of the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby
$$ β†’ fox control, radio collars, camera traps, and support of captive breeding population.

🐭 Spotted-tailed Quoll - Endangered
Team Quoll
$$ β†’ monitoring populations as well as providing water stations, nest boxes, and refuges in fire-affected areas.

πŸ¦‡ Grey-headed Flying-fox (and co.) - Vulnerable
Sydney Bats
$$ β†’ conservation, habitat preservation and restoration, public education for bat species.

🐝 Green Carpenter Bee - Threatened
Wheen Bee Foundation
$$ β†’ impact assessment/monitoring and placement of artificial nest sites.

🐸 Southern Corroboree Frog - Critically Endangered
Zoos Victoria
Taronga Zoo
$$ β†’ funding to support captive breeding for release into the wild. There were only ~50 individuals in the wild before the fires.