Australia's Five Black-cockatoos: Australian Geographic article

I was recently approached by Australian Geographic to answer some questions about black-cockatoos for an upcoming article. How exciting! Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out: Australia’s Five Black-cockatoos. I also wrote a similar post last year: So, what is a Black-cockatoo anyway?

Black-cockatoos have so much character and cultural significance. Ask anyone in Australia and they will have a Black-cockatoo story. What’s yours?

Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Baudin’s Black-cockatoos, Carnaby’s Black-cockatoo, Glossy Black-cockatoo. Image credit: Ego Guiotto

Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo, Baudin’s Black-cockatoos, Carnaby’s Black-cockatoo, Glossy Black-cockatoo. Image credit: Ego Guiotto